How we work
Every employee at TD is responsible for shaping the future of banking. Come along as we go from idea to patented invention.

Empowered colleagues
ideas to improve the lives of our customers, colleagues and communities are submitted by colleagues every year.
ideas have been developed and implemented so far.
A deeper understanding
Our Design Researchers are committed to understanding what our customers and colleagues need. The group includes sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists.
citations in peer-
reviewed publications.
customers and colleagues have participated in our research studies.
Making it real
Driven by empathy and a deep understanding of what people want, Design Thinking helps us frame the problems that need to be solved and come up with customer-centric solutions.
Human-Centered Design brings all of our ideas to life in a way that makes sense not just for today, but for tomorrow.

Testing it out
We start small, making sure our innovations meet the needs of our customers. From there we evaluate if projects are ready to scale or if they should stop. Regardless of which way it goes, we always learn something for next time.
Patented inventions
granted patents worldwide
TD is in the top 20 amongst all US financial institution patent filers and is the #1 F.I. patent filer in Canada.
Source: CIPO (Canadian Intellectual Property Office) patent database.

What are we working on today?
Sneak a peek
Consider this your all-access pass inside our labs.